restorative yoga.
centering the parasympathetic nervous system allowing for relaxation and presence. science backed.
restorative yoga is a practice where props are used to support the body in longer poses to release stress by balancing the parasympathetic nervous system, and allowing for the body and mind to go into a relaxed stated. this practice can be healing, nourishing and provide one with more awareness as the body and mind rest. this type of yoga also supports the increase of blood flow to organs, tension in the muscles release, and slows heart rate and breathing patterns deepen.
yoga philosophy is intertwined into restorative yoga sessions. the philosophy of yoga is a spiritual teaching that connects us as whole through study of the connection of spirit, body and mind. the teachings can provide openings of understanding as one navigates life in modern day and can assist in feeling more grounded and aware.
my name is kimberly and yoga made its way into my life as a practitioner about 15 years ago, while I was professionally focused on photography. the connection I felt to my yoga practice eventually led me to get certification as a yoga teacher, and i was compelled to study the philosophy of yoga. the pairing of yoga asana with the philosophy has made me feel a deeper connection to the practice. I pursued certifications and continuing education in restorative yoga, yoga philosophy, mental health awareness in yoga, osteoporosis yoga, and animal assisted therapy work in practice. my teaching is focused on the benefits and practice of restorative yoga while providing gentle insights into the philosophy side.
sessions are one to one with client and held online and are 60 minutes in length. a follow up email is sent after the session to go over poses and material discussed. i am based in Los Angeles and occasionally teach one to one sessions in person in clients home - additional fees apply.
if interested or have questions, please fill out contact form on the right and I will be in touch.